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February Spurges-Health and Beauty Services

Time is now a luxury...a HUGE luxury. (Some days, it's truly a feat when I am able to brush my teeth by noon!) I have not had a haircut, mani/pedi, massage-no self spoiling whatsoever ever-since I had Ava.  Everything takes a backseat to her and I'm really not complaining, but then I look down at my nails and the ragged cuticles (constant bottle washing,) and disheveled hair-I'm certain my husband does not even recognize me these days.  (Put on makeup?  You've GOT to be kidding me!)   So a little self love is in order. The Spoil Me Splurge 1) Haircut 2) Microdermabrasion These appointments are already booked and I can't wait! 3) I'd love to sign up with a personal trainer 4) Manicure Sounds expensive, I know, but  and thanks to Christmas gift cards, the only thing I actually have to pay for is the haircut. PS-google "bad hair"

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